Ruby Sparks Joy
Marie Kondo became famous following her 2019 Netflix original appearance in which she popularized the practice of throwing away items which do not spark joy. Since then, sparking joy has become a generic description for anything that is worth doing or keeping. The stereotypically Japanese way of doing things, which is exemplified in lean manufacturing techniques popularized by Toyota, is replete with examples promoting a highly principled approach to planning and design.
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It’s been my policy to view the Internet not as an ‘information highway, but as an electronic asylum filled with babbling loonies. - Mike Royko
Recommended software and technologies
Linux and Mac OS are vastly superior to NT-based operating systems for most things these days. People who use Windows tend to see it (rightfully) as a mere life support system for legacy software they’re being forced to use. In the past, Windows could lay claim to being the only platform with a decent office suite. This is still arguably true (LibreOffice Calc is close but not nearly enough to compete with Excel in an enterprise setting). That being said, Microsoft in pushing Office365 has been hard at work eradicating one of the few moats Windows has left.